Thursday, September 1, 2011

Sometimes You're the Bug - 11 days left

Over that past few months I have been blogging about my weight loss, there have been several times that I have wanted to come and post one sentence or less to my blog for the evening and be done.  This would be one of those evenings.  In fact, this would probably be the best time to do it.  Yet if I did that, my honesty code would be thrown out the window and I would not be following my own rules that set before me when I started.

Have you ever heard the song by Mary Chapin Carpenter called The Bug?  The lyrics in the song say, "Sometimes you're the windshield, Sometimes you're the bug".  Well today folks, I was most definitely the bug.

After weighing yesterday and seeing a 21 pound weight loss on the scale, I decided to get back on the scale late this afternoon just to see that glorious number again.  Today instead of dragging the scale out from under the bathroom counter with my foot, I decided to pick it up to move it to the middle of the floor.  As I did, a small one inch, hot pink crayon rolled out from underneath the scale.  And that is when I knew that my huge weight loss results yesterday were due to a crayon opposed to the hard work and effort I had put in over the last week.

I stood on the scale anyway, hoping with all that was in me to be wrong.  Unfortunately, I was not.  My number was very close to what it was last week when I had weighed.  I always weigh in the morning each week, so I am not quite sure how off it was, but it certainly was not anywhere close to a 21 pound loss.

I believe I had about six different emotions hit me all at once.  However, the final emotion that lingered was embarrassment.  I had more views to my blog yesterday than I have had in a very long time, along with many, many comments to facebook.  So now, I had shared great news with a lot of people about something very personal to me that never really happened.  Turned out the it really was the "Movie Kinda Weight Loss" because it was all false.  Well almost completely false.  My smaller sized jeans really were too big as I stated yesterday, so at least that cannot be taken away.

I considered not sharing this at all and just trying to mask my huge mistake over.  Yet that would not be real, that would not be honest, and I felt like if I lied about this and anyone ever found out, the rest of my blog would seem like a lie as well.  I would also have a huge dilemma to explain next week when I had gained so much weight back.

So there you have it.  The truth of what really happened on Karen's weigh day.  One day I am sure that I will look back at this day and laugh.  However, today it is not so funny.
John 8:32 (New American Standard) - and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.”

WOD (Workout of the Day)
21 reps, 15 reps, 9 reps

  • Thrusters with 45 lb bar
  • Pull ups

1 comment:

  1. Well, aside from the obvious disappointment about the numbers, I think this is still awesome. Why? Is she nuts? LOL It serves as an example of how our minds work - what a piece of information can do to our emotions - how we identify and get attached to an idea, a measure, a number.

    I am remembering an unfavorable lab test result when I was pregnant with one of my children and the extreme roller coaster we went on until we realized the results didn't mean what we thought they did. Those were many long hours and lots of kleenex. I learned (and have had several opportunities to re-learn) that staying in my heart and having the experience that is before me is always best. Kudos to you for staying with the truth of it.
