Tuesday, August 30, 2011

It's Now or Never - 13 days left

Today I pushed myself harder than I ever have before in any CrossFit workout.  I did as many dead lift reps as possible with 105 lbs of weight for 30 seconds, six rounds.  Even though only two hours has passed since I completed it, I already feel the soreness in my muscles throughout my body.  Triumph or tragedy?

In the past at this point, I would have said, "I will let you know tomorrow".  Yet due to the changes not just externally, but internally over the last several months, today I would have to say, "It was a triumph for sure".  Yes, there is soreness and most likely, there will be a little more tomorrow.  However, the determination to push myself farther and to keep moving forward to get stronger each day is pure victory.

On the diet and exercise roller coaster that I have gotten to know so very well over the course of my life, this would be the time in the past where I would be nearing the end of my ride.  I would be thinking about how this has been nice for a while, but now I am tired and want to get back to life as usual.  Instead of pressing through to success, I would be taking off my gym shoes until next time.

In only thirteen days, this first phase of my weight loss will be over and my challenge to lose 100 lbs in 118 days technically will have failed.  However, what I have gained over the last one hundred plus days will last forever.  The change within me will remain.  And what I have started practicing daily will not stop.  I will keep going for the next 100 days and the 100 days after that until I am maintaining a healthy weight.

I wish that I had a definitive answer as to why this time is different.  Why I have determined so deeply within that I will not fail no matter how long the road.  Yet I cannot answer that.  All I can say is that a little over 102 days ago something within me clicked and I knew for sure that I know longer wanted to be the largest girl in the room, the most unhealthy mother of all my children's friends or gain another 100 lbs over the next 12 years.  I knew that this was it.  It was now or never.

Matthew 10:23 (The Message) -  

But don't quit. Don't cave in. It is all well worth it in the end. It is not success you are after in such times but survival. Be survivors! Before you've run out of options, the Son of Man will have arrived.

WOD (Workout of the Day)
Six Rounds

  • Dead lifts - as many reps as possible for 30 seconds
  • Burpees - as many reps as possible for 30 seconds

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