Sunday, June 12, 2011

Level 1 - 93 days left

Delusions of grandeur.  That is the manner in which I approached my new Jillian Michael's Shred video today.  I am not sure why I did this after spending the better part of my day in a blah mood, totally unmotivated.  I really didn't want to work out, but forced my body to comply because one day off is fine.  Two days off is cheating.  And before I know it, I would be sitting on the couch again munching chips just watching the Biggest Loser instead of trying to be an active participant.

So I put in my video.  Watched the intro.  Thought to myself  "Level 1?  Why even bother with that?  I'll just start with that and do all three workouts on the video.  After all, I have been working out 25 days now.  Shoot!  I could be Jillian Michael's assistant in the video.  Level 1?  Level 1 is for babies."  Then I pressed play.  I literally started to cry as I did my push ups.  It was as if I had NEVER done a push up in the last 38 years, much less 3 days ago.  Then we moved on to jumping jacks.  Remember how I mentioned a few days back about the "very out of shape person's jumping jack".  Well, according to Ms. Jillian there are no "very out of shape person's jumping jack" and she has 400 pound people who can do jumping jacks, so there was no excuse not to do them.  I snarled at her and did my "very out of shape person's jumping jack" anyway.  And finally, to add insult to injury, I struggled every moment of this workout with just little, rinky dink, Mickey Mouse five pound hand weights.  About ten days ago I started thinking how I really needed to move up to ten pound weights at least because the little five pound weights were no longer doing the trick.  What was I thinking?  I was tempted about twenty times just to put the weights down completely and just finish like that.  In just a day, I had gone from "the agony of defeat" to "too big for my britches".

So, now back to reality.  Back to the hard work it takes to get in shape and be able to do those jumping jacks.  Back to being my best in every workout even when it is hard.  And even though today I was the perfect picture of Proverbs 16:18 (Message) - First pride, then the crash - the bigger the ego, the harder the fall.   I'll be singing, when I'm winning.  I get knocked down, but I get up again!!

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