Our WOD consisted of 10 sumo dead lifts, 15 box jumps and 20 pull ups, five rounds for time. Can I just tell you that after round two, I seriously doubted that I was going to make it through even if I had all of the time in the world? Yet as soon as I had that thought, I realized that I needed to change my mindset or I wouldn't make it through for sure. According to Stanford Research Institute study, success is 88% attitude. I had heard that number before and thought about it today during my workout. That is why I knew I had to change my attitude or not succeed. By the end my side hurt me so very bad. I don't remember my side hurting me like that since about the fourth grade when I had decided that I was not a runner after going on my first diet. I was gasping for air so hard I probably sounded as though I would hyperventilate at any time. However, I made it in 17 minutes 3 seconds. It was the longest 17 minutes of my life!!
The most exciting news of the day was I went down a size!! Yeah!!! My mom and sister went and bought me a big box full of new workout clothes since my other clothes were starting to be loose. What a blessing! I received them in the mail today. My mom had purchased an identical pair of pants in two different sizes. I was about to rip the ticket of the larger sized pant and put it on, but then stopped myself as I had the thought they might be too big. When I put the larger size on and it was too big, it was such a GREAT feeling! I know that workout clothes aren't jeans. However, it was a smaller size all the same.
So the grand total so far stands at:
- 17 lbs lost (that is two years worth of weight gain over the last 12 years)
- One pant size down
- A minimum of three inches off my waist as I could measure from my original workout pants that were tied with a draw string that had not come untied since I first started.
- A much better attitude and a much more pleasant person to be around.
The best part of all of this is that I am still at the very beginning. Things will only get better from here. How'd that song go? The future's so bright, I gotta wear shades. And those shades are going to look great on me!!